Learning is fun

This week, the children have been finding out about the features of explanation texts. They found out that this text type is set out in a particular way (with headings and sub-headings) and that causal connectives and technical vocabulary are used. The children then wrote an explanation for why, 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' is so popular using the features of the text type. Here are some of the children competing in our very own Year 3 'Fastest Finger' round!

Column addition and subtraction challenges

For the past  three weeks, the children have been developing their skills in adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers. At first, the children used concrete manipulatives (like Base Ten) and then they progressed to drawing diagrams to represent their understanding. This week, we have been focusing on formal written methods of column addition and subtraction and on reasoning problems involving these mathematical operations. The children practise lots of examples before carrying out the calculation in their Mathematics books. Here are some of the children really getting down to business with their column addition and being rightly pleased with themselves for their correct answers!

Children in Need day

The children had a lovely and fun day today...dressing up, guessing the number of sweets in a jar and buying toys or books from the bring and sell sale.  Most important of all, they have all contributed to raising money for Children in Need. Luke, as a member of the School Council, successfully ran the guess-the-number-of -sweets stall. There's a photograph of him hard at work. Do we have an accountant in the making I wonder?

Learning about prepositions

The children had fun today playing a game of hide and seek...but with a twist. The twist was that they were also learning about prepositions. The "hiders" hid the class soft dog ( called Pinkerton), in a place which used a preposition (like, "under" the cushion) and the seekers then had only a certain amount of time to use the preposition to find Pinkerton. I think the children would have happily played this for the whole session!

Liquid Flow Experiment

In IPC, Years 3 and 4 have carried out an experiment to find out if liquids flow at the same rate.  They put honey and washing up liquid on paper plates and timed how long it took for the liquid to reach a line at the edge of the plate.

Reciting poetry

This week, the children have been exploring how poets create images by using sound words (onomatopoeia) and  expanded noun phrases. Here are the children presenting poems using varied expression and actions for the sound words. 

The children had fun thinking of special sounds which they would like to put in a personal magic box. Manveer decided on clinking pearls and Ben on the thud of a footballer's boot.

I'm very much looking forward to reading the children's Magic Box poems which they will be completing next week.